SPRT - Science in Pursuit of Religious Truth

A weblog for rational persons of religious faith. Our motto is, "The only thing keeping you from seeing 'SPiRiT' here is two i's." The overall tone of this weblog will (typically) be conservative and/or libertarian. We will address legal, social, political and economic issues, and anything else we feel like discussing.

"It's when they don't attack you that you should worry, because it means you are too insignificant to worry about."
- Malcolm Muggeridge

Location: midwestern U.S., United States

I am married. I have two sons and a daughter who was born on by birthday! I was blessed to be born into a family of women (my mother, her mother, her sisters) who are fashionable and ladylike and strong-willed and individualistic, and they were and are great role models. I don't think women have great role models anymore, and I also think style is more than clothing, so I created this blog to offer my take on the topic.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Welcome to my newest little one

I am delighted to announce the birth of my litle daughter Celeste Sophia - who was born on July 19th - my 44th birthday! (I still can't get over that.) She was 8 days early and a perfect, healthy little girl, for which I am extraordinarily grateful. My husband and I are blessed.

I don't expect anyone to be reading this, given how sporadically I have blogged for the past few months. But that's ok. I blog mostly to record my own observations in any case. And I wanted to commemorate Celeste's birth here in some fashion!

Nevertheless, I expect to start blogging again with some regularity soon.

In the meantime, I am toasting moms everywhere - and us "older" moms in particular!


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