SPRT - Science in Pursuit of Religious Truth

A weblog for rational persons of religious faith. Our motto is, "The only thing keeping you from seeing 'SPiRiT' here is two i's." The overall tone of this weblog will (typically) be conservative and/or libertarian. We will address legal, social, political and economic issues, and anything else we feel like discussing.

"It's when they don't attack you that you should worry, because it means you are too insignificant to worry about."
- Malcolm Muggeridge

Location: midwestern U.S., United States

I am married. I have two sons and a daughter who was born on by birthday! I was blessed to be born into a family of women (my mother, her mother, her sisters) who are fashionable and ladylike and strong-willed and individualistic, and they were and are great role models. I don't think women have great role models anymore, and I also think style is more than clothing, so I created this blog to offer my take on the topic.

Monday, November 08, 2004

The election: it was really about adolescents versus grown-ups

Oh, how the talking heads have been all abuzz for the past week. Bush was reelected!? And got a majority of the popular vote? Look at that swath of red! What could it all mean?

According to all news reports, the stunned Democrats (with the exception of dashing newcomer Barack Obama) have fallen back to regroup, lick their wounds, and try to figure out how on earth they could have lost despite two candidates with great hair, millions contributed by bored billionaires, major television and newspaper installations willing to shill for their side, a parade of rock stars and Hollywood actors, an army of academics and other intellectuals, and a one-man propaganda machine armed with a Palme d'Or.

A post-election poll seems to indicate that a majority of Americans thought the most important election issue was so-called "moral values." This has provided what is fast becoming the latest "conventional wisdom." If you're a Republican, that translates to: Religious Americans came out in record numbers! Americans are opposed to gay marriage! Voters reject the Democrats' vision for America! Hooray for our side!

And if you're a Democrat, this apparently translates to: Right-wing nutcases came out in record numbers! Red-state denizens are homophobic, gay-hating bigots! And/or too stupid to understand the Nazi ambitions of the Republicans! We're smarter, more sensitive, smarter, more creative, smarter, more tolerant - and did we mention smarter? It's Gavin Newsom's fault. And the Massachusetts Supreme Court. Hooray for our side! Now let's all move somewhere else before the Inquisition starts. But where? Someplace liberal. How about the Netherlands? (Well, gee, then Michael can't go.) Canada then?

I hate to be the one to rain on everybody's parade and/or pity party, but I think both sides have oversimplified the election results. As David Brooks remarked recently, "moral values" could mean anything you want it to. And it does not explain the large number of people who voted for Bush, including Libertarians and those who do not view themselves as particularly religious. A more accurate way of phrasing it, in my opinion, is that "moral values" are simply a subcategory of the larger debate that determined this election.

In my view, this election was about grown-ups versus adolescents.

This is both good news and bad news. Unfortunately for the Democrats, my take on things is still mostly bad news for them. But the good news for the Democrats (if they'll listen, which I doubt) is that it will be bad news for the Republicans if they blunder badly by misunderstanding the mood of the 58 million-plus that voted for Bush this time.

The Democrats are losing elections because they have become the party of perennial adolescence. Note I did not say "youth." An "adolescent," as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is "a young person who has undergone puberty but who has not reached full maturity." And Merriam-Webster online defines "adolescence," as "emotionally or intellectually immature."

One need only look at the Democrats' conduct after the election to see what I mean. Sullenness, moping, melodramatic posturing, temper tantrums, profanity, threats, name-calling, ridiculous and baseless accusations, insults, insults and more insults, and threats to leave the country. If you've ever raised a teenager (for that matter, if you've ever been a teenager), this conduct should seem painfully familiar. It's as if every left-leaning citizen of this country got grounded by their parents, screamed, "I HATE YOU!" and stormed up to their rooms in a fit of pubescent pique.

But the larger issue is the nature of the Democratic Party's positions in general. Which is to say, the platform they were running on during the election. Because it was this that the American public rejected. And will continue to reject.

Before we examine the specifics, let's consider the general differences between adults and adolescents: Adults make responsible decisions. And take responsibility for their decisions. Adults pay their bills, and don't ask others to pay those bills for them. Adults appreciate the difference between self-sacrifice and self-indulgence. They also understand the difference between liberty and license.

Adults understand that actions have consequences, and adjust their conduct accordingly. Adults might well expect polite tolerance for their differences - whatever those are - but they do not need others' approval. Adults don't mind making unpopular decisions, especially where other people's well-being is concerned. For that matter, adults don't need to be popular. Or "cool." Adults understand that all too often, the people deciding what is considered "popular" or "cool" are just using a crowd to hide their own insecurity.

Adults are capable of having a conversation - or an argument - without resorting to insults, profanity, baseless allegations or nonsequiturs. Adults aren't interested in how many parts of speech one can create using the word "f**k." Adults have long since realized that their generation did not invent the various methods of sexual congress, and so they do not need to flaunt their personal predilections in other people's faces.

Adults also understand human nature. They know that when people are offered something for free, they'll use more of it, whether they need it or not. They grasp that some people are unreachable through reason, and must simply be avoided or protected against. Adults understand the difference between prudence and cowardice, between caution and corruption. Adults understand that the truth is not always a matter of opinion.

So - in that vein, what policies did the Democrats run on? What are their messages?

1. They want ever-higher taxes for those who produce, grow businesses, create jobs. And as if that weren't bad enough, insult - literally - is added to injury by demonizing these people as "greedy," "selfish," or "exploitative."

2. Those taxes are necessary to fund social programs that undermine restraint and reward destructive behavior.

3. They want to teach your school-age children sexual license with no consequences. Sexually-transmitted diseases are simply a failure to spend enough of your tax dollars on research, or to distribute enough condoms. Abortion is a backup for unintended pregnancy. Abstinence is unrealistic. Everyone's doing it. All sexual activity is equal.

4. It is not enough if you have gay friends and/or family members, love them, support them, would be perfectly happy to see them in committed relationships, have no objection to however they wish to convey their property, create a power of attorney, or designate a beneficiary. You must approve of their sexual activity. You must teach your children about their sexual activity. You must pay taxes so that government schools can teach your children about their sexual activity (in a value-neutral fashion, of course). You must subordinate your belief in God, your faith and your responsibilities to your children, to adhere to their dictates.

5. For that matter, Democrats insinuate that if you believe in God, and try to conduct your affairs accordingly, you are an ignoramus, a Neanderthal, an inbred retard. (Unless, of course, the only thing you use God for is to be non-judgmental or to justify higher taxes for social programs. In which case, that's okay.)

6. Despite the exposure of all of the lies that gave rise to abortion in the first place, and in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence of the humanity, the separateness, the development of the unborn human child; despite exposure of the barbaric brutality of all methods of abortion; despite the growing number of women who admit that abortion was disastrous for them, Democrats scream shrilly that killing her unborn child is a woman's civil right, if not the high water mark of her identity.

7. They insist that African-Americans cannot perform at the same academic levels as whites, Asians or other minorities, and that they must be held to lowered standards. Then they call those who believe in the unlimited potential of all children "racists" and "bigots."

8. They think you can believe bullies who promise not to hit you again as long as they can extort something from you, or if you're willing to sit by while they attack someone else. And they purport to trust the United Nations to protect our security despite its historical reluctance to make decisions, its vacillation in the face of slaughter, its under-the-table deals with despots, and its corruption.

And as if further proof were needed that the Democratic Party is the party of adolescence, just look at the way the campaign was run. Hey, lookie here! Rock stars! Wow - a guy who makes movies! Here's good idea for a "get out the vote" effort - let's encourage people to have lots of meaningless sex with registered voters.


The thing is, in a booming economy, in peacetime, facing no threats from without, Americans are a live-and-let-live enough bunch that they are willing to tolerate a bunch of adolescents running things.

But this is a war, folks. Time to put the adults in charge.

Were "moral values" an important issue? Of course they were. But the larger issue is that we are under attack. If Republicans understand those things, they will remain the party in power.

And if the Democrats don't like that, and want to change it, then I have just two words for them:

Grow up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post - you've completely nailed it. When a country gets rich, it often becomes grossly immature as a direct consequence; which leads to immorality, laziness, more of a desire to have "respect from its neighbors" rather than spending the effort required to keep itself safe, etc. It's been happening for thousands of years, as one great civilization after another first becomes rich/powerful and then inevitably gets sacked as its success then leads to irresponsible, immoral, immature behavior. Yesterday, on a financial forum, someone posted links to some of the childish rants that have appeared from liberals. This was my response...

"Rants like what was linked are one of the best advantages decent Americans have. The more nonsense coming from upper Manhattan, Hollywood, and overseas, the better. Let the Maureen Dowds eat $200 dinners, retreat to multi-million-dollar apartments in Manhattan, and subsequently let us all know that we do not have any concept of reality; let Hollywood stars without any higher education, and - due to less sexual restraint than a rabid dog in heat - without the slightest ability to maintain any semblance of a lasting, meaningful human relationship - let them tell us all how intelligent, mature, and sophisticated they are, and how stupid and foolish we all are. The more these 3 year olds yap, the better it will end up being for all of us. Let them keep talking."

Yes, let them keep talking. More and more sane people will then see what you've pointed out - these liberals are really nothing more than spoiled brats, narcissistic to the core - who are against vouchers because they don't really care whether inner-city kids get educated or not, as long as these kids become little liberals themselves; who want to stop highly efficient church-driven food banks because they really don't care whether the poor are taken care of or not, as long as they become liberals themselves; people who in actuality are nothing more than self-absorbed children, only interested in justifying their own irresponsible behavior.

btw, I live just a short distance from Ave Maria and Domino's farms; an Ave Maria student lives with his wife just two doors down from me. Congratulations on your involvement with that enterprise.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought about this a little bit and I wanted to get a few more things off my chest, thanks for letting me vent…

When I talk about “liberals”, I am referring, specifically, to rich white liberals, who totally control the Democratic party, IMHO. For example, w/r/t vouchers, inner-city “minority” parents overwhelmingly prefer vouchers; but it will be a cold day in Mordor before the Democrats ever endorse them. Why? Because rich white liberals don’t care whether inner city kids learn to read and write or not; they realize that vouchers will lead to religious schools that profess other faiths other than the state religion (secular humanism) which is taught in public schools; and these new schools might teach, for example, that the killing of innocent life in the womb is immoral. That’s why rich white liberals don’t want vouchers; it has absolutely nothing to do with educating kids. I’ve become convinced that rich white liberals don’t particularly care at all whether inner-city kids make it or not - in fact, I'd be willing to bet that many of them have never even met an inner-city kid - or would want to.

Also, the (excellent) original post missed another characteristic of children – something I was fond of using when I was a kid and had to deal with being the youngest of 4 children. “It’s not fair!” I would say…..over and over…..WAAAHHHHHHHHH! IT’S NOT FAIR!!!! I was the son of immigrants, and it might be kind to say we were lower-middle class. I didn’t get a whole lot of new stuff ever – for example, I got some hand me down clothes that didn’t fit real well. I would whine that things weren't fair, and often, they weren't - even though my parents did the absolute best that they could. Didn't matter - I was an immature child - IT’S NOT FAIR!!!!!! Guess what? Life almost always isn’t fair - never has been, never will be (hello, reality!) and most people realize that fact at least by the end of high school, if not much, much earlier. Unfortunately, currently in this country there are a bunch of 30, 40, 50 60+ year olds who have never grown up - and many of them are in the media and teaching on college campuses (I refer to them as the "idiot savants of the liberal left". For them, intelligence is inversely proportional to common sense.) In this country, you have the best shot of making it; even if the cards are often stacked against you, In fact, it ends up being much sweeter when you eventually succeed when everybody KNOWS the cards are stacked against you to begin with. All of us in our family have some form of higher education; one of my brothers has 3 degrees from 3 different universities. I have an engineering degree from the world’s greatest university (Michigan – the football team also has great helmets.) – I’m damned proud of it.. I MADE IT EVEN THOUGH THINGS WEREN’T NECESSARILY ALWAYS FAIR. The original post sums it all up perfectly – hey –GROW UP!!!! You’re never going to have any real self esteem if you always look at yourself as a victim!!!!

Again, thanks for letting me use up your disk drive..I almost feel like an ASCII-stained wretch...I feel much better now....

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautifully put. Immediately after the election, I was on the receiving end of a vicious, immature hissy fit from one of my Democrat relatives on the West Coast. Okay, it was a parent, which I'm embarrassed to admit (I sure hope she's going to enjoy her nursing home). I was essentially accused of being a moral fascist (by voting Republican and according to my conscience) and blinded by religious zealousness. I reminded this demented family member that I wasn't particularly religious, but really just a rational, critical, logical thinker. Ah, but the religious "insults" kept flying. Knowing what I do about the Christian citizens of the NW Tennessee region I reside in, I'll take the accusations of being a Christian as a beautiful compliment. I'm flattered.

9:14 AM  

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