SPRT - Science in Pursuit of Religious Truth

A weblog for rational persons of religious faith. Our motto is, "The only thing keeping you from seeing 'SPiRiT' here is two i's." The overall tone of this weblog will (typically) be conservative and/or libertarian. We will address legal, social, political and economic issues, and anything else we feel like discussing.

"It's when they don't attack you that you should worry, because it means you are too insignificant to worry about."
- Malcolm Muggeridge

Location: midwestern U.S., United States

I am married. I have two sons and a daughter who was born on by birthday! I was blessed to be born into a family of women (my mother, her mother, her sisters) who are fashionable and ladylike and strong-willed and individualistic, and they were and are great role models. I don't think women have great role models anymore, and I also think style is more than clothing, so I created this blog to offer my take on the topic.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I have known this for a long time!

Well, well, well. People are starting to notice that Democrats are no longer the party of "the little guy," while Republicans' appeal is no longer limited to "the rich"? Check out this quote from Karl Zinsmeister's article in The American Enterprise:

Federal Election Commission data show that many of the very wealthiest political players are now in the Democratic column. Today's most aggressive political donors by far are lawyers--who donated $98 million dollars to 2004 political candidates as of June. (By comparison, the entire oil and gas industry donated $13 million.) And rich lawyers do indeed tilt strongly Democratic: 71 percent of their contributions went to Democrats, 29 percent to Republicans.

Migration of the rich and powerful to the Democrats has been so pronounced that Democratic nominee John Kerry has actually pulled in much more money than sitting President George Bush this spring and summer. Kerry's monthly fundraising totals have routinely doubled or even tripled Bush's totals. And the money on the Kerry side has come much more from rich individuals, while Bush has relied on flocks of small donors. So which is the party of the people now?

Read the whole thing.


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